ТЕГИ: EN 10025-3 | марка стали | S420NL | стальной лист сосуда под давлением |
EN 10025-3 Марка S420NL нормализованная или нормализованная формованная (+N)
EN 10025-3 Марка S420NL представляет собой нормализованную/нормализованную катаную свариваемую мелкозернистую конструкционную сталь. Он соответствует стандарту EN 10025, определяющему технические условия поставки конструкционных сталей с повышенной стойкостью к атмосферной коррозии.
Сталь S420NL в основном используется в строительных и инженерных проектах, где требуется высокая прочность и хорошая ударная вязкость. Он предлагает отличную свариваемость, формуемость и ударопрочность, что делает его пригодным для различных применений, таких как здания, мосты и машины.
Согласно стандарту EN 10025-3, S420NL предъявляет особые требования к химическому составу и механическим свойствам. В химический состав входят такие элементы, как углерод (C), кремний (Si), марганец (Mn), фосфор (P), сера (S) и другие легирующие элементы. Эти элементы контролируются в заданных пределах, чтобы обеспечить желаемые свойства стали.
С точки зрения механических свойств S420NL должен соответствовать критериям предела текучести, прочности на растяжение, удлинения и поглощения энергии удара. Эти свойства определяют способность материала выдерживать нагрузки и обеспечивать структурную целостность.
EN 10025-3 Марка S420NL представляет собой нормализованную/нормализованную катаную конструкционную сталь, которая обеспечивает хорошую свариваемость, высокую прочность и улучшенную стойкость к атмосферной коррозии. Он обычно используется в строительных проектах, требующих надежных и долговечных структурных компонентов.
EN 10025-3 Марка S420NL может поставляться в двух различных состояниях: нормализованном или нормализованном формованном (+N).
Normalized: This condition refers to the steel being subjected to a controlled heating and cooling process to achieve uniform properties throughout the material. It involves heating the steel above its critical temperature, holding it at that temperature for a specific time, and then allowing it to cool in still air. Normalizing improves the mechanical properties of the steel, such as strength and toughness.
Normalized formed (+N): This condition indicates that the steel has undergone a forming process after normalization. The forming process could involve shaping, bending, or any other method of altering the steel's shape. After the forming process, the steel is again subjected to normalization to restore its desired properties.
EN 10025-3 Grade S420NL can be supplied either in a normalized condition or in a normalized formed (+N) condition, depending on the specific requirements of the application.
The alloyed, normalised/normalising rolled high grade steel S420NL is a weldable fine-grained steel with a min. yield point of 420 N/mm². The steel is applicated in normalized condition for several types of welded constructions such as fixed and movable storage container, high-pressure pipes, bridge and load-bearing constructions etc.
Cold forming: Suitability for cold bending, folding, cold flanging or cold welting has to be agreed. For sheet, strip and wide flat steel in normalized condition, for nominal thickness (s) up to 16 mm can be warranted the following bending radius values:
longitudinal: 5 x s
transverse: 4 x s
Sheet and strip of nominal thicknesses
Related Standards
20 °C
7.84 g/cm³
Show Material materials with Density of 7.84 g/cm³
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
Related Standards
Elastic modulus
-100 °C
217 GPa
Show Material materials with Elastic modulus of 217 GPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
20 °C
212 GPa
Show Material materials with Elastic modulus of 212 GPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
100 °C
207 GPa
Show Material materials with Elastic modulus of 207 GPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
200 °C
199 GPa
Show Material materials with Elastic modulus of 199 GPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
300 °C
192 GPa
Show Material materials with Elastic modulus of 192 GPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
400 °C
184 GPa
Show Material materials with Elastic modulus of 184 GPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
500 °C
175 GPa
Show Material materials with Elastic modulus of 175 GPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
600 °C
164 GPa
Show Material materials with Elastic modulus of 164 GPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
16.4 %
Show Material materials with Elongation of 16.4 %
Predicted Value, A80 Transverse
16.6 %
Show Material materials with Elongation of 16.6 %
Predicted Value, A80
17.0 %
Show Material materials with Elongation of 17.0 %
Predicted Value, A200
18.8 %
Show Material materials with Elongation of 18.8 %
Predicted Value, Transverse
20.8 %
Show Material materials with Elongation of 20.8 %
Predicted Value, A50
21.1 %
Show Material materials with Elongation of 21.1 %
Predicted Value, A5
20 °C
17 %
Show Material materials with Elongation of 17 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Flat
20 °C
18 %
Show Material materials with Elongation of 18 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire
20 °C
19 %
Show Material materials with Elongation of 19 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat, Rod, Wire
Hardness, Brinell
247 [-]
Show Material materials with Hardness, Brinell of 247 [-]
Predicted Value, Transverse
Poisson's ratio
0.29 [-]
Show Material materials with Poisson's ratio of 0.29 [-]
Typical for Low Carbon Steel
Reduction of area
43.7 %
Show Material materials with Reduction of area of 43.7 %
Predicted Value, Transverse
50.9 %
Show Material materials with Reduction of area of 50.9 %
Predicted Value
Shear modulus
82 GPa
Show Material materials with Shear modulus of 82 GPa
Typical for Low Carbon Steel
Shear strength
511.3 MPa
Show Material materials with Shear strength of 511.3 MPa
Predicted Value
Tensile strength
20 °C
480 - 640 MPa
Show Material materials with Tensile strength of 480 - 640 MPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Flat
20 °C
500 - 680 MPa
Show Material materials with Tensile strength of 500 - 680 MPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat, Rod, Wire
20 °C
500 - 650 MPa
Show Material materials with Tensile strength of 500 - 650 MPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat, Rod, Wire
20 °C
520 - 680 MPa
Show Material materials with Tensile strength of 520 - 680 MPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat, Rod, Wire
20 °C
520 - 650 MPa
Show Material materials with Tensile strength of 520 - 650 MPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat, Rod, Wire
Yield strength
257.3 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 257.3 MPa
Predicted Value, RP1
301.6 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 301.6 MPa
Predicted Value, RP1 Transverse
397.8 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 397.8 MPa
Predicted Value, Transverse
413.2 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 413.2 MPa
Predicted Value, RP02
456.5 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 456.5 MPa
Predicted Value, RP02 Transverse
493.1 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 493.1 MPa
Predicted Value, RP002
505.9 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 505.9 MPa
Predicted Value, RP05
20 °C
320 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 320 MPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire
20 °C
330 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 330 MPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire
20 °C
335 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 335 MPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Flat
20 °C
340 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 340 MPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat, Rod, Wire
20 °C
360 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 360 MPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat, Rod, Wire
20 °C
370 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 370 MPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat, Rod, Wire
20 °C
390 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 390 MPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat, Rod, Wire
20 °C
400 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 400 MPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat, Rod, Wire
20 °C
420 MPa
Show Material materials with Yield strength of 420 MPa
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat, Rod, Wire
Related Standards
Coefficient of thermal expansion
-100 °C
1.05e-05 1/K
Show Material materials with Coefficient of thermal expansion of 1.05e-05 1/K
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
20 °C
1.15e-05 1/K
Show Material materials with Coefficient of thermal expansion of 1.15e-05 1/K
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
100 °C
1.21e-05 1/K
Show Material materials with Coefficient of thermal expansion of 1.21e-05 1/K
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
200 °C
1.27e-05 1/K
Show Material materials with Coefficient of thermal expansion of 1.27e-05 1/K
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
300 °C
1.32e-05 1/K
Show Material materials with Coefficient of thermal expansion of 1.32e-05 1/K
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
400 °C
1.36e-05 1/K
Show Material materials with Coefficient of thermal expansion of 1.36e-05 1/K
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
500 °C
1.4e-05 1/K
Show Material materials with Coefficient of thermal expansion of 1.4e-05 1/K
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
600 °C
1.44e-05 1/K
Show Material materials with Coefficient of thermal expansion of 1.44e-05 1/K
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
Max service temperature
218.2 °C
Show Material materials with Max service temperature of 218.2 °C
Predicted Value, Long
500 °C
Show Material materials with Max service temperature of 500 °C
Typical for Carbon Steel
Melting point
1480 - 1526 °C
Show Material materials with Melting point of 1480 - 1526 °C
Typical for Low Carbon Steel
Specific heat capacity
-100 °C
423 J/(kg·K)
Show Material materials with Specific heat capacity of 423 J/(kg·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
20 °C
461 J/(kg·K)
Show Material materials with Specific heat capacity of 461 J/(kg·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
100 °C
479 J/(kg·K)
Show Material materials with Specific heat capacity of 479 J/(kg·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
200 °C
499 J/(kg·K)
Show Material materials with Specific heat capacity of 499 J/(kg·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
300 °C
517 J/(kg·K)
Show Material materials with Specific heat capacity of 517 J/(kg·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
400 °C
536 J/(kg·K)
Show Material materials with Specific heat capacity of 536 J/(kg·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
500 °C
558 J/(kg·K)
Show Material materials with Specific heat capacity of 558 J/(kg·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
600 °C
587 J/(kg·K)
Show Material materials with Specific heat capacity of 587 J/(kg·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
Thermal conductivity
-100 °C
35.4 W/(m·K)
Show Material materials with Thermal conductivity of 35.4 W/(m·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
20 °C
40.4 W/(m·K)
Show Material materials with Thermal conductivity of 40.4 W/(m·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
100 °C
42 W/(m·K)
Show Material materials with Thermal conductivity of 42 W/(m·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
200 °C
42 W/(m·K)
Show Material materials with Thermal conductivity of 42 W/(m·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
300 °C
40.8 W/(m·K)
Show Material materials with Thermal conductivity of 40.8 W/(m·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
400 °C
38.9 W/(m·K)
Show Material materials with Thermal conductivity of 38.9 W/(m·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
500 °C
36.6 W/(m·K)
Show Material materials with Thermal conductivity of 36.6 W/(m·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
600 °C
34.3 W/(m·K)
Show Material materials with Thermal conductivity of 34.3 W/(m·K)
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
Thermal diffusivity
-100 °C
12.1 mm²/s
Show Material materials with Thermal diffusivity of 12.1 mm²/s
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
20 °C
11.2 mm²/s
Show Material materials with Thermal diffusivity of 11.2 mm²/s
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
100 °C
10.8 mm²/s
Show Material materials with Thermal diffusivity of 10.8 mm²/s
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
200 °C
10.1 mm²/s
Show Material materials with Thermal diffusivity of 10.1 mm²/s
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
300 °C
9.3 mm²/s
Show Material materials with Thermal diffusivity of 9.3 mm²/s
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
400 °C
8.3 mm²/s
Show Material materials with Thermal diffusivity of 8.3 mm²/s
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
500 °C
7 mm²/s
Show Material materials with Thermal diffusivity of 7 mm²/s
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
600 °C
5.8 mm²/s
Show Material materials with Thermal diffusivity of 5.8 mm²/s
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
Related Standards
Electrical conductivity
5 S/m
Show Material materials with Electrical conductivity of 5 S/m
Predicted Value
Electrical resistivity
-100 °C
1.93e-07 Ω·m
Show Material materials with Electrical resistivity of 1.93e-07 Ω·m
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
20 °C
2.58e-07 Ω·m
Show Material materials with Electrical resistivity of 2.58e-07 Ω·m
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
100 °C
3.05e-07 Ω·m
Show Material materials with Electrical resistivity of 3.05e-07 Ω·m
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
200 °C
3.76e-07 Ω·m
Show Material materials with Electrical resistivity of 3.76e-07 Ω·m
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
300 °C
4.6e-07 Ω·m
Show Material materials with Electrical resistivity of 4.6e-07 Ω·m
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
400 °C
5.59e-07 Ω·m
Show Material materials with Electrical resistivity of 5.59e-07 Ω·m
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
500 °C
6.75e-07 Ω·m
Show Material materials with Electrical resistivity of 6.75e-07 Ω·m
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
600 °C
8.08e-07 Ω·m
Show Material materials with Electrical resistivity of 8.08e-07 Ω·m
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
Curie temperature
770 °C
Show Material materials with Curie temperature of 770 °C
Typical for Low Carbon Steel
Related Standards
0.02 %
Show Material materials with Aluminium of 0.02 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
0.2 %
Show Material materials with Carbon of 0.2 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
0.3 %
Show Material materials with Chromium of 0.3 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
0.55 %
Show Material materials with Copper of 0.55 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire
0.7 %
Show Material materials with Copper of 0.7 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat
1 - 1.7 %
Show Material materials with Manganese of 1 - 1.7 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
0.1 %
Show Material materials with Molybdenum of 0.1 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
0.8 %
Show Material materials with Nickel of 0.8 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
0.05 %
Show Material materials with Niobium of 0.05 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat
0.2 %
Show Material materials with Niobium of 0.2 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire
0.025 %
Show Material materials with Nitrogen of 0.025 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
0.025 %
Show Material materials with Phosphorus of 0.025 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire
0.03 %
Show Material materials with Phosphorus of 0.03 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat
0.6 %
Show Material materials with Silicon of 0.6 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire, Bar
0.02 %
Show Material materials with Sulfur of 0.02 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire
0.025 %
Show Material materials with Sulfur of 0.025 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat
0.03 %
Show Material materials with Titanium of 0.03 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat
0.05 %
Show Material materials with Titanium of 0.05 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire
0.05 %
Show Material materials with Vanadium of 0.05 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10025-3, EN 10113-2
Strip, Sheet, Flat, Rod, Wire
0.2 %
Show Material materials with Vanadium of 0.2 %
normalized or normalized formed (+N)
EN 10113-2, EN 10025-3
Sheet, Strip, Bar, Flat
Supplier Disclaimer
The given information is a rough description and some properties can depend on various factors such as product thickness. Please contact the supplier or refer to the related norm or standard for further information.